Monday, March 15, 2021



Living and non-living beings makes up this universe. Fundamental particles which make this universe has interesting interplay between energy and matter.

Think that one day all the particles fold up into one single entity. Matter into matter to merge into one mass. Different forms of energy transform into one. Merged mass still has a form. When merged mass manifests as energy, everything folds up into a formless oneness.  Only energy!!! It remains as energy till consciousness prompts the latent energy to express it into matter. This may not be a one-time phenomenon. Folding in and opening up is cyclic one leads to another.

Form happens when energy starts transforming into matter. The moment energy manifests as matter, the universe comes into being!!. When the dense energy separates, or decides to separate or gets separated first sign of form happens. Division starts. Oneness is replaced by different forms. Consciousness leads to division!!

Awareness leads to division, which gives rise to form, identity, ego, I, my, me and self. The universe is present till ego is there. The moment ego is finished universe gets folded up.

Some questions …before the next part of this discussion on Division.


a.     What is relation between consciousness and energy?

b.     What makes the energy to start condensing…becoming denser eventually leading to matter?

c.      Can energy think?

d.     Is energy intelligent?

e.     Is mind a form of energy?

f.       Are thoughts a form of energy?

g.     How does the latent energy got awareness to express itself into matter?

h.     What is the tipping point to start cyclic (folding and opening) of matter and energy?

i.       How did the cycle start?

j.       Can anyone comprehend a sense other than five known senses?

Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

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